Novohrad-Nógrád geopark

Home / Novohrad-Nógrád geopark


The Novohrad–Nograd Geopark includes the territory of 30 municipalities on the Slovak side (southern parts of the districts of Rimavská Sobota and Lučenec) and 64 municipalities on the Hungarian side (the northern part of the Novohrad administrative district).

In its territory, the Protected Landscape Area (CHKO) Cerová (Turkey Oak) Highlands and the Protected Territory TK Karancs Medves are situated. Both protected territories were declared in 1990 mainly for the purpose of protecting, preserving and educative-scientific using of the youngest volcanic structures in both states. Thanks to the relatively low geological age as well as the variability of volcanic structures, these territories can be suitably used not only for scientific research, but also for educative purposes for a wider group of interested persons.

The project was launched with the ideological intention in 2003 that was elaborated in 2006 – 2007 into the complex space and development study of the development of the geopark in the territory of the two states. In 2008, associations were established in both states that signed the Memorandum of Cooperation between them and started building their joint management of the territory and preparing for joining the European and Global Geoparks Networks. Their effort was completed in 2010 when they became the 37th member of the European Geoparks Network and the 66th member of the Global Geoparks Network. In 2014 and 2018, they defended successfully their membership in both networks.

Geopark area: total 1.578 km2, of which SR 336 km2, Hungary 1.251 km2
Geopark protection: CHKO Cerová vrchovina (SR), NP Bükk (Hungary)
Number of geotopes: total 76, of which in SR 32, MR 44
Presented themes: geology, nature protection, history, national culture
Geological characteristics: neovolcanites


Web pages:,

Contact address

Geopark Novohrad-Nógrád, z.p.o.
Podhradská 1985/14,
986 01 Fiľakovo, Slovakia
GPS coordinates: 48.271854, 19.824056
Facebook: geoparknnmedvešský fotomaratón

Nógrádi Geopark Nonprofit Kft.
Múzeum tér 1,
3100 Salgótarján, Hungary

Guiding services

provided in Novohradskom turisticko-informačnom centre
Podhradská 1985/14,
986 01 Fiľakovo


Novohradské turisticko-informačné centrum
Podhradská 1985/14,
986 01 Fiľakovo
tel.: +421 47 4382016, +421 918 994481, fax: +421 47 4382016