II. International Day of Geodiversity in the Little Carpathians Geopark
The International Day of Geodiversity falls on 6 October, but this year in the Little Carpathians Geopark its representatives prepared various educational-environmental activities lasting more than one week.
From 2 to 10 October, the topic of geodiversity and its importance was presented to the general and professional public. This issue can also connect the curriculum of several subjects, which was the aim of the presentation to future biology teachers from Trnava University (performed in the area of the Budúcnosť Natural and Mining Open-Air Museum).
The highlight of the celebrations was the ceremonial opening of the educational and tourist trail Pustá Ves – Klenová. Although in a lithologically relatively less interesting area, it has extraordinary geological variety. It was held on 7 October with the participation of about 100 people, including the governor of the Trnava regional government and the director of the Administration of the Protected Landscape Area of the Little Carpathians. The trail has a length of 13.6 km, an elevation gain of 304 metres and 7 stops. There are very interesting karst phenomena here, but perhaps its most interesting place is a rock city representing an extraordinary geomorphological phenomenon (https://geoparkmalekarpaty.sk/miesta/pusta-ves-klenova/). The trail has 3 educational and information boards located at the beginning of its route, while the remaining stops are made up only of smaller columns with a QR code to avoid disturbing visual smog. The introductory map of the trail also shows links to older nature and hiking trails in the area, creating a network of points of interest that visitors can discover. Already in the week before the opening of the trail, several inspections of this exceptional route were carried out by representatives of the geopark, but on the day of its ceremonial opening, about 60 people had the opportunity to learn about the hidden beauty of our inanimate nature on a hike with commentary by an expert geologist.
- https://www.rtvs.sk/televizia/archiv/13982/427534#2298
- https://fb.watch/nznLGWbue1/
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHR6pCgtL44
- https://krasytt.sk/nezaradene/v-prasniku-pribudol-naucny-chodnik-aj-vdaka-participativnemu-rozpoctu-ttsk/
- https://www.nazahori.sk/novy-naucny-chodnik-pusta-ves-klenova-v-brezovskych-karpatoch/
- https://www.prasnik.sk/udalosti/aktuality/novy-naucny-chodnik-s-qr-kodmi-pusta-ves-klenova-518sk.html